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  • The Minister's Manipulation: (An Alpha Alien Romance Novel) Page 5

The Minister's Manipulation: (An Alpha Alien Romance Novel) Read online

Page 5

  She settled on a silk nightgown that reached her ankles but which had revealing slits in the sides that would expose her legs when she moved. It was low-cut in the front, showing the swells of her breasts off to perfection. A sheer robe, also in white, completed the ensemble.

  Jamie took pains to polish her fingernails and toes with a bright red paint that usually set men's blood boiling. Her hair she left down, tousling it just so to give it that post-coitus look that she hoped would send the right signals. Then she coupled a smoky eye with a deep red lip, and with one last look in the mirror, she pronounced herself a siren and settled down to wait for her fiancé.

  It was nearly nine by the time she heard the doorbell ring. Sauntering over to answer it, she opened the door then casually posed herself in the entryway.

  "Hello, dear," Lance said in greeting, stooping down to plant a kiss on her forehead before he made his way into the hall. He was headed into the living room without a second glance, and Jamie had to stop her mouth from falling open.

  She wasn't used to her efforts receiving no reaction, and for a moment she wondered what she'd gotten herself into, engaging herself to a man whose eyes didn't pop out of his skull when he saw her in this getup.

  Strike One, she thought, then took a deep breath and followed Lance into the living room.

  He was standing at the edge of the couch, scrolling through his phone. Jamie's eyes searched his suit jacket, lighting on the badge that was clipped to his lapel. Good. Now all I have to do it get that off him without his noticing.

  "Are you hungry?" he asked her without looking up from his phone.

  Jamie considered a comeback with salacious undertones, but because of the underwhelming response she'd gotten to her outfit choice, she gave up on the idea. "I could eat," she said instead.

  "Shall we order in? Chinese? Pizza? Thai food?"

  Jamie sat on the arm of the sofa, crossing her legs to reveal their shapely length.

  Zero reaction.

  "Chinese is fine."

  Lance nodded, pulled up an app on his phone and found a restaurant nearby to order from. "You want Chow Mein?"

  Jamie sat still, answering his questions, wondering when he would bother to look at her.

  When the order was finally placed, Lance slid the phone into his pocket and looked up. Jamie plastered on a sultry smile, pushing her shoulders back to accentuate her chest.

  "It will be about 30 minutes," her fiancé said, then walked around her to settle himself on the couch.

  Jamie was beginning to wonder if she'd engaged herself to a eunuch. "Shall we watch a movie?" he asked, bringing up her streaming service and starting to scroll through the options.

  They settled on a drama about one of the first manned space flights. Jamie sat down next to him, hoping he would put an arm around her. Instead, he scooted over to give her more space.

  Strike Two. What do I have to do to get his attention? Shoot myself into space?

  It wasn't long before the food showed up, and they ate out of little white boxes in front of the television. Jamie found she wasn't very interested in the movie or the noodles, and soon set her box aside. After Lance had finished his portion, he dug into hers, slowly slurping up noodles while he watched the space drama with little snide comments and inappropriate laughter.

  "As if these movie guys know anything about space," he said, more than once. Jamie had to concentrate hard not to roll her eyes.

  Finally, the credits started rolling across the screen, and Lance stretched his arms, giving out a big yawn. "Well I enjoyed that," he said, moving to stand.

  "Wait," she said, tugging on his jacket. "Don't leave yet. We barely spend any time together."

  Lance let out a heavy breath. "I have an early meeting in the morning."

  Jamie put on her prettiest pout. "Please. I don't want to be alone."

  Lance sat back down, and Jamie scooted close, deciding to go on the offensive. She slid a hand under his jacket and across his button-up shirt. "Why don't you make yourself a little more comfortable?"

  Lance gave her a smile, then bent down to kick off his shoes. "That feels good," he said, leaning back again to pick up the remote and beginning scrolling through movies again. "What shall we watch next?"

  Jamie wanted to scowl, wondering if a neon flashing arrow that said "Sex Here" would work any better. "Let me see."

  She took the remote from him and tried to find anything steamy that might get him in the mood. She settled on a French film, knowing the French were notorious for nudity, and then placed his arm over her shoulders while she snuggled in.

  When the figures on the screen started kissing, Jamie slid her hand back under his jacket to caress his chest. "Wouldn't you be more relaxed without this silly suit on?" she purred, unbuttoning one of his buttons.

  "If it will make you happy," he said, giving her a kiss on the tip of her nose, then shifting to take off his suit jacket.

  "That's better," she murmured, then proceeded to unbutton another button and slide her hand into his shirt. Where it encountered an undershirt.

  Jesus, this guy is harder to break into than Fort Knox. However, Jamie was determined not to give up. She moved her hand in circles over his undershirt, being sure to graze his nipples as she did so.

  There was no response from her fiancé. Nothing. He sat there watching the movie and letting her touch him, but did nothing to show he enjoyed it.

  The actors began making passionate love, and Jamie turned things up a notch, starting to kiss Lance's neck. She nuzzled his ear, then spoke with a breathy tone into his ear. "You smell good."

  "Mmhm," he said, his attention not wavering from the screen.

  Shit. It's pedal to the metal time. Jamie went up on her knees, then straddled her fiancé, putting her arms around his neck and moving in to kiss him.

  Lance shifted away, his eyes widening. "Jamie, what are you doing?"

  "Isn't it obvious?" she said, kissing his cheek. "I'm trying to seduce my fiancé."

  Lance gave a startled laugh. "So that's what this is. Honey, I appreciate the effort you've gone through, really I do, but I'm very tired."

  Strike Three.

  Jamie frowned as Lance set her aside to put on his shoes. The credits were rolling on the second movie and Jamie began to get disheartened.

  You can't give up yet. You can't! Time to pull out all the stops.

  "You don't want me!" she cried, standing up to rush into the bathroom and slam the door behind her. She then began a great imitation of sobbing, waiting to hear her fiancé’s knock.

  It only took a few moments for him to react. "Aw, honey, calm down. Of course I want you."

  "No...you...don't" she cried, throwing a hitch into her voice for effect.

  "I do, it's just...I've been working a lot. And...well, I don't have a lot of experience with women, and I'd just feel more comfortable if we got to know each other a little better. That's all."

  Jamie didn't stop her eyes from rolling this time. It was clear that seduction was out as a viable option. She'd have to think of another way to get his badge off him, and fast.

  She looked around her, trying to think of another method. Her eyes bounced around the bathroom as she struggled for inspiration. She noticed that she was low on toilet paper, and that she'd missed some dust behind the toilet last time she'd swept. Then her eyes lit on a spider web high in the corner of the room.

  That's it!

  "Oh my God!" she yelled, throwing the door open and running back down the hall and into the living room.

  "What is it?" Lance asked, following behind her. "What's wrong?"

  "There's a spider in the bathroom! A huge one! It crawled out of the drain and it's in the sink! You have to get it!"

  Lance stood there, confused. "A spider?"

  "Yes," she said, grabbing his shirt with shaking hands. "Please! You have to deal with it for me. I'm terrified of spiders!"

  Lance gave a small grin and headed back down the hall to do battle w
ith the spider. "I don't see anything," he yelled.

  "Keep looking! I won't be able to sleep tonight if I know that beast is crawling around my apartment."

  Jamie grabbed his jacket, unfolded it, and snatched the badge off it. She slid it under a stack of magazines on the coffee table then moved back down the hall, his jacket over her arm.

  "I'm sorry," Lance said, coming out of the bathroom. "I can't find it."

  "Oh well," she said with a large sigh. "I'll just pretend you did." She passed him his jacket. "It's getting late, and you have an early meeting. You should probably get going." She handed him his jacket.

  Lance gave her a confused glance but then nodded. "Right." He took the jacket and slipped it on, not noticing it was missing his badge.

  Jamie walked him to the door, opening it and stepping back to allow him through.

  "Good night, my dear," he said, bending to place another dutiful kiss on her forehead.

  "Good night," she replied.

  He moved to leave, then stopped, turning back. "Oh, I forgot to mention, the team has meetings off sight tomorrow, so I won't be in my office. I expect them to run late, so I probably won't see you at all. I hope that's all right."

  "I understand," she said solemnly, inside shouting with delight. Perfect!

  She closed the door behind him, then leaned against it to catch her breath. Things hadn't gone exactly according to plan, but she'd gotten what she needed. And even better, he probably wouldn't notice the badge was missing until later, if he wasn't going to need it to check in tomorrow.

  The team would be out of the office tomorrow, meaning it would give her and Drake the opportunity they needed to search the secure areas without raising suspicion.

  Jamie was elated. She finally felt like she was one step closer to getting her sister back. She hadn't felt this good in months.

  There was a sudden knock at the door.

  Jamie swallowed hard, praying that Lance hadn't already noticed his missing badge and come back for it. Putting on a brave face, she opened the door.

  Chapter 8

  Drake spent hours standing around outside of Jamie's apartment, his fists clenched into tight balls for most of that time. He'd seen Cargraves head up the walk and knock. Then the door had opened and his cock had grown so hard in an instant, he thought he might pass out from loss of blood to his brain.

  Jamie had stood there like some kind of beautiful sea spirit, garbed in flowing white that showed off her pale skin and luscious curves. His mouth had watered, wanting to lick every inch of that skin.

  Instead, Cargraves had gone inside and the door had shut behind him. And for the past four hours Drake had stood here, his anger so bright he was surprised he wasn't lighting up the neighborhood.

  He knew exactly what method Jamie had chosen to steal the security badge. Seduction. And with a body like hers, it would be such an easy task. Cargraves was inside, enjoying the delights of Jamie's flesh, and he stood out here, wishing like hell for a chance to trade places with the lucky son of a bitch.

  When Cargraves had finally left, Drake had to restrain himself with every ounce of his will not to go after the bastard and beat him to a bloody pulp. He forced himself to remain still, to focus on his breathing, to calm the fuck down.

  He only lasted for about a minute after Cargraves was out of sight. Then he was jogging up the walk and knocking on Jamie's door before he realized it.

  The door opened and Jamie stood there, a look of innocence on her face. "Oh," she said after a second, "it's you."

  Drake took in the sight of her in white silk and his erection throbbed. He was close enough to smell her and had to control himself before he picked her up and carried her to her bedroom where he would bury himself deep inside her until he was sated.

  "Well, come in I guess," she said, making room for him to walk inside.

  He moved down the hallway, taking a moment to get control of his emotions. "Mission accomplished?" he asked when they'd reached the living room.

  "Yes," she said, pulling her transparent robe tight around her. It did nothing to disguise her charms.

  Drake stared down at her, barely able to keep from reaching out to touch her. "I'd say so. There's no way you could have failed in that outfit."

  Jamie's eyes widened, but then a sad smile crossed her features. "You'd be surprised."

  What’s this? Could she mean...?

  "I doubt it. I don't know any man that would be able to keep his hands off of you, dressed like that."

  Jamie shook her head and bent down to retrieve something from the low table in front of the sofa. Her positioning gave him the opportunity to peer beneath the silk to see the swells of her perfect breasts. His heartbeat increased until he was sure she'd be able to hear it.

  He had to concentrate hard when she straightened, holding up the security badge. "Got it."

  He held out his hand and she placed the badge in it. He inspected the badge, noting Lance Cargrave’s handsome mug on the front. Seeing a physical reminder of the man who had just let her moment ago, who had likely had his hands all over that delectable body, made his anger and frustration flare.

  Drake was pleased that the first part of his plan had gone so well, but he couldn't banish the thoughts of her with her fiancé. He tucked the card into his pocket, trying to get rid of the scowl he feared was on his face. He wasn’t sure if he accomplished that goal.

  "I knew it," he said, hearing the slightly cruel tone in his voice but being powerless to change it. "I bet seduction comes easily to you."

  Her smile was frosty. "Ordinarily I'd agree with you."

  "But not now?" He wondered what she meant. "I'm sure he took one look at you and melted." Drake was surprised he wasn't a puddle himself at the moment.

  "Look," she said, swallowing nervously, "let's forget the tawdry details. I've got the card. And Lance said the team would be off sight tomorrow, so we can make our move then."

  Drake could barely pay attention to her words, could barely hear them over the sound of his blood pulsing in his ears. "But the tawdry details are the best part."

  Jamie frowned, her eyes turning cold, but he couldn't stop the words from coming as jealousy rode him hard. "What's wrong? Disappointed that Lance succumbed so easily to your charms?"

  "What's wrong with you?" she asked, turning her back on him. "I told you I have the card and that we can use it tomorrow. Now, if you're done being a pig, you can see yourself out."

  Instead of doing as she suggested, Drake drew closer. Placing his hands on her shoulders, he bent to whisper in her ear. "What's the matter? Did your spaceman not satisfy you?"

  He knew he shouldn't be saying these things, knew he was playing a dangerous game, but he couldn't help himself.

  Jamie whirled around, dislodging his grip on her. "What do you want? Why are you harping on me? I did what you wanted!"

  "But what if I wanted something else? Something you had no problem doing to get that card."

  Jamie recoiled, and Drake instantly regretted his words.

  "I'm sorry, that was out of line." He took a step back, hanging his head. "Just the sight of you, dressed like that, it drives me a little crazy."

  He was startled to hear her laugh. "Actually, it's good to know I still have that effect on at least one man."

  Drake caught her eyes. "What do you mean?"

  Jamie shrugged. "You said you wanted something else. Whatever. You'll have to go kill a fake spider in my bathroom now."

  "What? I don't follow you." His expression tightened with confusion.

  Jamie burst into a fit of giggles, and the prettiness of it set his brain buzzing. "I tried real hard to get Lance to succumb to my 'charms,' as you said, but he seems to be immune. So I finally had to resort to lying about a spider so I could swipe the card."

  Drake couldn't believe his ears. "So your fiancé wouldn't sleep with you? Is that what you're saying?"

  "Well, it sounds unflattering when you say it like that."

bsp; "He's got to be out of his fucking mind," he breathed, sincerely confused. "But, you guys are engaged. Haven't you...?"

  Jamie shook her head. "He's never pushed it, so neither have I. Until tonight, which was, I'm ashamed to admit, a spectacular failure."

  "Great Noruma's ghost," Drake breathed. She had to be lying.

  "Great who’s what?"

  "Never mind," he said, drawing close again. "You're telling me that you set out to seduce your fiancé and failed?"

  His mind working at the speed of light, Drake had the realization that perhaps Dr. Lance Cargraves wasn't all that he seemed. There was no way an unattached heterosexual male would walk away from Jamie. So either Cargraves wasn't unattached, he wasn't heterosexual, or he wasn't male.

  "You don't have to rub it in," Jamie said, her voice small.

  Drake looked into her face and noticed that insecurity had taken up residence there. "No," he said softly, putting a hand to her face to bring her gaze to his. "I can tell you right now that your fiancé is fucking crazy if he took one look at you and didn't fall down on his knees and beg for one embrace."

  "Thanks," she said, her voice now almost a whisper.

  "I mean it," he said. "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. You don't know how hard it's been, following you around and having to keep my distance, when all I wanted to do was touch your skin to see if it is as soft as it looks."

  Jamie gave him a tiny smile, and his chest filled with joy. It was a heady feeling, being this close to her, close enough to smell her enticing scent, to see the color change in her lovely eyes.

  "Just because Cargraves can't see what he has in front of him doesn't mean the rest of us are blind."

  She blinked up at him, her eyes large and sparkling like twin gems. Drake's gaze moved to her lips and he suddenly couldn't stop thinking about how they must taste. Before he could stop himself, he was bending close to rub his lips against hers.

  For the millionth time, he cursed the Hareema suit around him. It limited him from feeling things as he should, like he was touching the world through a thin layer of membrane. But there was no way that layer was going to stop him from kissing her. Not now that he had the chance.