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The Minister's Manipulation: (An Alpha Alien Romance Novel) Page 4
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Page 4
“What are you doing here?”
Her voice sent a shock through him. Drake raised his head and realized the object of his thoughts was standing right in front of him, an annoyed look on her otherwise beautiful face.
For a moment, he was speechless. The way the light caught her eyes made them sparkle, like priceless gems.
“Hello?” she said, tugging on his sleeve. “Remember me?”
“Of course,” he said, his senses on high alert. You stupid son of a shark, he thought. Get your head out of the clouds and on task or you’ll ruin everything.
“I know you’re following me.”
Drake swallowed, the worst possible conclusion having been jumped to by his target. It didn’t matter that it was the correct conclusion.
“I’m sorry,” he said after a short pause, “but you’re mistaken.”
Jamie’s plump lips curled up in a wry smile. “Like hell I am. You being in a position to chase off those guys could have been chance, but then I saw you again last night, outside the restaurant. And now you’ve followed me here, today. Or did you just happen to be going for a stroll on the National Mall at the same time as me?”
For a split second, he considered trying to convince her that he had been here by coincidence. One look into her stubborn face made him realize that ploy was all washed up.
To buy time, he used a classic tactic honed from years working his way up the ranks in the Ministry of Security. When confronted with a question you don’t want to answer, ask a question of your own. He fixed his features with a smug grin and asked, “What reason could I have for following you around?”
Jamie blinked, her eyes wide, and he wondered for a moment if he’d unintentionally hurt her. The thought made his chest clench.
“Oh, you have a reason,” she said, narrowing those glowing green eyes. “A very good reason.”
“And that is…?” He attempted to look skeptical, but anxiety was gnawing up his insides. Could she somehow have determined the reason he was here?
“You’re one of NASA’s hired goons,” she said with a scowl. “Employed to follow me around and make sure I don’t cause any trouble.”
Drake’s brows rose in surprise. That theory actually made sense. Although her generally frivolous actions might not belie it, she had a decent head on her smooth shoulders.
“That’s it, isn’t it?” There was satisfaction in Jamie’s voice. She thought she’d figured it out.
Drake’s thoughts sped up to a million miles a second. Let her think it, he told himself. It gets you close without exposing your real mission.
“I think you have me mistaken for someone else,” he said, attempting to move past her.
Although the idea of letting her think he was hired by NASA to follow her around was an appealing one, it was still likely to restrain his actions. And if Jamie happened to mention him to Lance or someone else in the agency, his cover would be immediately and irrevocably blown.
“Oh no you don’t!” Jamie grabbed his arm with both of hers, attempting to restrain him. “I’m not letting go until you admit you’re from NASA.”
Drake wanted to smile. The idea of this tiny woman keeping him from doing anything was laughable. He gave a sharp tug, easily pulling from her grasp.
He turned to walk away and was surprised when he felt her attack from behind. Jamie had leapt onto his back, her legs wrapping around his waist and her arms digging into his shoulder blades.
Although he’d envisioned holding this woman on more than one occasion, he’d never pictured her in a position like this, grasping tight to him while he tried to determine how to dislodge her without hurting her.
“Look, lady, I think you’re overreacting. Do I look like a spaceman to you?”
Jamie held on as he attempted to swing her off, her forearms crossing around his neck. Although it did little damage to him, especially through the Hareema skin suit, he knew they were making a scene and attracting notice was the very thing he wanted to avoid.
“No, you look like a goon. One hired to keep me out of the big boys’ hair. Now just admit it so I can figure out what to do with you.”
He didn’t know why, but those last words sent a strange tingle through him. Drake knew what he wanted to do with her, but he doubted she had similar thoughts.
The way he saw it, he only had a few choices. He could keep insisting that his being around her was coincidence, but his cover was effectively blown. She’d notice him now as he stalked her around the city. His anonymity was lost.
His other choices were either to let her believe he was a NASA plant, or to come up with another lie that would be as convincing as the one she’d already saddled him with. And since she’d already convinced herself, it seemed the path of least resistance would be to go with the NASA story.
Now, he just had to find a way to twist it to his advantage…
“Fine,” he grunted, “you found me out. Now get off my back.”
Jamie let out an unexpected crow of delight and released her hold, hopping down to the sidewalk with one last slap to his back. Drake was surprised to realize that he missed the contact, even though she was little more than an impression through the suit.
"I knew it, I just knew it," she was saying to herself. "Especially when you showed up outside the restaurant last night. Did Lance tell you where we were going? Or have you guys tapped my phone?"
Drake had actually considered breaking into her phone communications, as well as emails, but so far he'd decided to merely keep an eye on her. The least intrusive route was the best, especially since he didn't know how deep the Hareema's interest might be in her. No need to set off any alarm bells unwittingly.
"I've been charged with following you around, making sure you don't get into any trouble, as you said," he told her, his tone as level and neutral as he could make it. "That's the extent of it."
Jamie's eyes narrowed. It was obvious she didn't know if she could believe him. He couldn't blame her.
"Okay," she said after a moment. "Well, now that I know about you, what's the plan?"
"The plan?" He didn't have any fucking plan, now that she'd caught him out.
"Yeah. Clearly you can't think to keep stalking me, now that I know who you are."
That was true. Unfortunately, he wasn't sure what else he could do. She was the only door into NASA that hadn't been shut in his face.
He needed a way to use her to gain entry without her giving him away to the enemy. And, Drake realized suddenly, that would mean they'd need to work together.
Slowly a plan unfurled itself, and he set it into motion.
"Well, I suppose now you tell your fiancé that you caught me red-handed. He tells his bosses, and they fire me. Then some new guy replaces me and it starts all over again."
"New guy?" Jamie's face scrunched up in a most adorable fashion.
Drake steeled his features to ensure they gave no window into his emotions. "Yes, another tail. You're too important for them to leave you to your own devices."
"But then I'm back to square one," she said in a huff.
Her eyes captured his own and he felt like he couldn't catch his breath. Noruma help me, but I can't escape the effect she has on me.
All of a sudden, Jamie put her hands on his shoulders and gripped them tightly. "And say I don't tell Lance? Say we go on as we were, me oblivious to your existence, and you just creeping around town after me?"
Although a moment ago that was all he wanted, he'd realized that he had to make his move now. He'd spent too long on this planet already, with nothing to show for it. His people were depending on him, as were the poor duped people of Earth. It was time to try a new tactic.
Drake shook his head. "I'm sorry, but that won't fly. Sure, it might save my job, but I have a duty to my superiors to report what's happened today. The mission has been compromised, and I have to follow protocol."
"Fuck protocol," she replied, and Drake couldn't help the smile that broke across his features. "At least you won't get
"True, but when my superiors find out, which they could at any moment, surveillance being what it is in this town, I won't only be out of this job but any chance of a future one in Washington. It's too risky."
"And if I storm into NASA's office, pitching a fit because they had the audacity to have me followed, what then? You think they'll just put another man on it and keep stringing me along like always? I don't have time for that!"
Jamie crossed her arms in a way that lifted her chest in a most appealing fashion. Drake had to force his mind away from the delights of her body and concentrate on manipulating her into working together.
"I'm sorry," he said, patting her lightly on the shoulder. "Really I am. It's a shame what's going on, the way they're keeping you in the dark about everything."
"In the dark about what?" Jamie's eyes had gone wide, her features turning pale.
Drake felt like a knife was twisting in his guts. He hated having to maneuver her like this. But there was no other way.
He stared hard at her, as if he was debating on what to say. "I really can't reveal anything. It's classified."
"Please," she said, grabbing his arms with both hands and squeezing tightly. "I have to know what's happened to Sylvie."
Her eyes filled with unshed tears, and he watched her blink them back, marveling at her well of inner strength. A woman like this is a treasure, he thought. Beautiful, alluring, but also strong and tenacious. Sheer perfection.
"Okay, look," he said, his voice lowering as he bent in closer. "I know things. Things that pertain to Dr. Cohen's current whereabouts." He made a show of looking around them, as if assessing their threat level. "But we can't talk about it here. We could have already been spotted."
Jamie peeked over his shoulder, her head swiveling, looking for the threat he implied.
"Meet me in an hour, at the coffee shop on the corner of L and 21st."
"Okay," she said, giving him a brisk nod.
Drake carefully removed the hands that were still holding his arms and turned away, headed back to the Metro. When he looked over his shoulders, he saw Jamie striding off down the Mall.
Well, Drake, you've just bought yourself an hour to come up with a plan to convince the lovely Jamie that you can be trusted, and to figure out how to use her to get into NASA's inner circle.
Although an hour seemed too short a time, compared with the weeks they'd spent planning his mission back on Zanthar, he had the odd feeling that it would feel like forever.
One hour until I can see her again. I'm already counting the minutes.
Chapter 7
Jamie entered the coffee shop, pausing for a moment to take in her surroundings. It was a comfortable-looking establishment, its walls painted in muted reds and golds and displaying African art pieces. A quick scan of the counter and tables showed that her shadow hadn't arrived yet.
It was to be expected. She was a full twenty minutes early.
Jamie had tried to occupy her mind, to find something to do with the hour she had before their meeting, but she couldn't keep her thoughts off their conversation and after a half hour she'd given up, grabbed the nearest cab, and headed to this location.
She joined the line at the counter, ordering a London Fog with English Breakfast instead of Earl Grey. The barista made a little heart in the foam, and after she'd sat at a table in the remotest corner, she stared at the heart, not wanting to disturb it by drinking.
This was the first real lead she'd had since she'd arrived in this town, and she was terrified that it would be another dead end. But this time I've got the upper hand, she reminded herself. This time, I won't give up until I get some answers.
Jamie went through a list of questions in her head, questions she desperately wanted answers to, but she finally determined that she didn't have enough information to even know where to start. For once in her life, it might make sense to listen before she spoke.
Looks like you're growing up, she told herself, even as she regretted the thought. Growing up meant dealing with harsh realities, ones she'd always been eager to escape in the past. But the time for running away from problems was over. Now she had to face them head on, or risk never seeing Sylvie again.
Every time the door opened, Jamie's head lifted to see who entered. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she saw the person she was waiting for.
He really is unremarkable, she thought, wondering if he'd been picked for the job because of his ability to go unnoticed. Probably. That and his fighting skills, which she hadn't forgotten since he'd come to her rescue.
She watched as he looked around, spotted her, then moved forward with a grace she wouldn't have thought fitting, given his appearance.
He took a seat, folded his hands in front of him, and pierced her with his gaze. Something about the intent way he stared at her unsettled Jamie. It was as if he saw deep inside her, like no one had before.
"Thank you for meeting me," he said, his tone low. She noticed how deep his voice was, another thing that didn't fit with his image.
"Sure," she said, waiting for him to continue.
"I've told you that I've been charged by NASA to tail you around, but what you don't know is, working security for NASA isn't my only position."
Her eyebrows rose at his words. So he wasn't just a hired goon.
"I'm in intelligence. My real mission has been to infiltrate the ranks at the Space Administration to uncover a conspiracy."
Jamie's heart froze in her chest. "A conspiracy related to my sister?"
He nodded. "We believe an enemy faction has been influencing things, including your sister's flight, for their own benefit. We aren't sure how high up this influence goes, but one thing we are certain of, your sister's mission is part of the enemy's plans."
"And who is this enemy?"
Her companion shook his head. "We have some ideas, but for the moment I have to keep things classified."
Jamie blew out a breath tinged with disappointment. "This influence, you said you don't know how high up it goes. Do you know who's involved?"
"Again, we don't have anything concrete, and I can't share our classified briefings with you."
"Then how in the hell does this help me?" she asked, barely restraining herself from slamming her hands down on the table.
Her outburst earned her something close to a smile. "We're going to have to help each other. I'm just security, a position that doesn't get me entry into the areas I need. You, on the other hand, have regular contact with Dr. Cargraves and have even had meetings with the head of NASA, Danner Thompson. You have contacts that I don't."
"But you've seen how they've been stonewalling me. I don't know what you expect me to do with these contacts."
"They're not going to blurt out the details of a conspiracy during one of your meetings," he said, his eyes cold. "Nor is it likely Cargraves has let anything slip at night, during your pillow talk. Or am I wrong?"
Jamie's face tightened. "No. You're not wrong."
"We're going to have to get creative," he said, his eyes leaving hers to scan the shop. "That's why I need to know if you're willing to work with me to get your sister back."
"Of course," she replied without hesitation. "You're the best chance I've got so far."
His dark eyes met hers again. "We're going to need access into secured areas if we're going to find anything out. And since my clearance isn't high enough, we need someone's whose is. Or at least their security badge."
Jamie blinked. "Can't you steal one?"
Her companion's mouth collapsed into a straight line. "You're much better suited for that job than I am."
"You're engaged to Cargraves. You're much more intimately acquainted with him than I could ever be."
Jamie didn't like his tone. This was the second time he'd made some less-than-polite insinuation about her and Lance. Still, what choice did she have? She had to work with him if she wanted to get Sylvie back. "You want me to steal hi
s badge?"
Her companion nodded. "Yes. Get that badge, and you can get me into the areas I need."
"Get us into those areas, you mean," she shot back. He was nuts if he thought she wasn't coming along.
He ignored her correction. "We need to make our move soon. Can you get the badge?"
Jamie thought for a moment. Lance was an attentive fiancé, and he often came to her apartment straight from work, his badge still attached to the front of his suit jacket. If she could get him out of the jacket and away from it for long enough to snag the badge, he should be none the wiser.
"Yes," she said finally. "I'll get the badge. Tonight."
"Good," he said with a nod, then made to rise.
"Wait," she said, holding up her hand. "What should I call you? I mean, I don't even know your name. How do I contact you when I have it?"
He sat back down, his expression momentarily open. Jamie thought she saw a shadow of doubt pass over his face but it was gone too quickly to be sure.
"Call me Drake," he said after a moment. "And I'll contact you. Remember, I have to keep my cover up, so I'll be watching you."
His words sent a shiver through her body that she worked to suppress. Before she could reply, he stood up and headed out of the shop without a backwards glance.
Jamie sat there, staring down into her tea. The heart had become fuzzy at the edges, but its shape still remained floating in her cup. Taking it as a good omen, Jamie left, abandoning the untouched cup.
She called Lance that afternoon, asking him if he'd like to drop by after work. Her fiancé warned her that he had to work late, but she said she didn't mind. He asked if she wanted to go out, but she said that she only wanted a quiet night in, just the two of them. Jamie then set about putting her plan in motion.
Lance was such a straight-laced guy; she couldn't remember him even taking off his jacket when he visited her. If she was going to get him out of his clothes, she might as well ensure that he'd be well distracted.
Jamie dug through her closet, attempting to find something suitable for seduction. She had plenty of lacy undergarments, and even some that were more risqué, but she wasn't sure which one would ignite the blood of a mathematician-slash-astronaut who had yet to make a move on her.