The Minister's Manipulation: (An Alpha Alien Romance Novel) Page 6
Jamie didn't pull away, so he deepened the kiss, pulling her into his arms. He increased the pressure on her lips until they opened, allowing his tongue entry. She gave a sigh and he realized she was enjoying it as much as he was. The thought brought a thrill to him more powerful than anything he'd felt before.
She pulled away at last to gulp at the air and Drake immediately missed the contact. He realized then that he couldn't leave her here thinking that she was in any way undesirable. Her fiancé had left her unsatisfied, but there was no way in hell he would do the same.
Placing both hands on her face, he bent in close to whisper against her mouth. "You're the loveliest thing I've ever seen, and I would give anything to taste you again."
"Anything?" she whispered back.
He nodded, his eyes drowning in hers.
"Then do it," she murmured against his lips.
He grabbed her head and once again, claimed her mouth. This time their tongues moved in a more passionate motion.
Without thinking, he picked her up and carried her to the couch. He pushed the coffee table back and set her down, getting on his knees between her legs. He looked at her for just a moment before he grabbed her face in both of his hands and brought her mouth back to his. He kissed her until she was breathless, and knowing she could not hold her breath for minutes at a time like Zantharians could, he would stop and allow her to catch her breath. But during that short time that she caught her breath, he found himself only wanting her more.
She moaned against his mouth, her legs wrapped around his back, her hands reflexively gripped his shoulders.
He lifted a strap of her silk nighty with one finger and slid it over her shoulder. He repeated this with the other side, exposing her breasts.
“Exquisite,” he said. He thought her breasts were perfect and her pink nipples were already hard. The sight made his cock twitch.
He grabbed both of her breasts and held them as he used his thumbs to play with her nipples.
She let out a breath she had been holding and then a small moan.
He leaned forward and took one nipple into his mouth. He gently bit it with his teeth and moved to the other and did the same.
Drake leaned back, slid her silk nighty up, exposing her thighs and then began to rub her clit through her panties. He watched her lean her head back and push her chest forward as she moved with him.
He rubbed her in a circular motionwith his thumb and slid a finger inside of her. She let out a moan. One that was needy and desperate for release. He pulled his finger out of her and slid it into his mouth, through the suit only the faintest taste got through, but it was enough for him to know that she was the sweetest thing he had ever tasted.
“You taste amazing,” he said and she bit her lip. It was one of the sexiest things he had ever seen.
He leaned down and put his mouth on her panties. He licked at the fabric separating his mouth from her clit. He licked her a few more times before she started begging him.
“Please,” she whimpered.
“Please, what?” he asked her, teasing her once more with his mouth.
“Move them. My panties, move them over.” She was panting and he knew he was succeeding at teasing her.
Drawing the lace, to the side, he revealed her perfect pussy. He put his face to her clit and began licking it. She moved her body in the same motion as him, and arched her back as he slid a finger inside of her.
He moved his finger in and out, wiggling it against her sweet spot as he continued to lick her clit. He moved his tongue first in circles, and then in a circular motion.
He wanted nothing more than to make her orgasm. He had to see her in the throes of passion. It was the only thing that mattered in his life. He began to move at a faster pace. He moved his tongue along the length of her clit and moved his finger in and out of her.
He sucked on her for a moment and then began to feel her explode around him. Jamie cried out; her muscles tightened around his finger.
He lifted his head at last, after licking up every drop of her and noticed her eyes were closed and she was breathing deeply. Drake stood, pulling her up into his arms and carrying her into the bedroom.
She blinked exhausted eyes at him and he smiled, kissing her gently. Settling her into her bed, he pulled up the covers around her and softly said goodnight. Then he turned off the lights and let himself out.
As he walked down the street, he realized that his cock was harder than it had ever been in his life. The experience of tasting Jamie made him realize that, if he ever had a chance to do the same without the Hareema suit, he'd never be able to let her go.
He supposed it was a good thing that he had to feel everything through the suit, because he could not afford to go into the mating frenzy here on Earth, in the middle of his most important mission. Even if he'd regret never tasting her fully for the rest of his days.
Drake headed to his hotel, knowing that he had a long, sleepless night ahead of him. He prayed his cock would stop aching before the sun came up, but knew it wasn't likely.
Chapter 9
Jamie woke up to the sun shining through the blinds. She was disoriented for a moment, wondering how she had found her way into her bed. Then she remembered the night before and sat up straight, her cheeks heating with embarrassment.
She'd failed to seduce her own fiancé, so she'd taken her frustration out on her new partner in crime.
He didn't seem to mind much. In fact, I'd say he was more than willing.
She recalled his words, how he'd told her she was beautiful, how he'd do anything to taste her.
And he had tasted her.
Jamie lay back against her pillows, the night before replayed in her mind. Although she hadn't thought herself attracted to Drake, once he'd kissed her, all that changed.
I thought the time for one-night stands was behind me. But the way that man kisses, like nothing in the world matters except his lips against mine…
She shivered, pulling her robe around her. Drake was a man full of secrets, a mystery she was just realizing she’d like to solve.
He worked in intelligence, was uncover at NASA to root out a conspiracy that involved her sister. He was strong and skilled, easily dispatching the two buffoons who had attempted to follow her home from the train. And now, he’d shown that he was no slouch in the bedroom either.
Unlike someone else…
Jamie frowned, suddenly realizing that she’d cheated on her fiancé. Sure, she’d given Lance first crack at her, so to speak, and he’d demurred. Still, it wasn’t right, what she’d done last night.
And yet, she didn’t regret her actions. It was plain to see that Lance wasn’t the man for her. They had next to nothing in common, and although he was good-looking and high-ranking, she felt none of the passion she’d surrendered to the night before.
Jamie was just discovering that she deserved that passion. She deserved someone who looked at her like Drake had.
Like he’d die if he couldn’t touch me.
She couldn’t hold out hope for any kind of relationship with the mysterious Drake. He was some kind of spy, after all, and that meant the opposite of stability. If the James Bond films had taught her nothing, they’d taught her that spies didn’t stick around once their mission was complete.
Still, there was a certain appeal to being the Bond Girl du Jour, well-dressed and clever, with a slight hint of danger. She’d play her part until she brought her sister home, and then she and Drake would go their separate ways.
But that still left Lance. What to do about her unwitting fiancé?
For a moment she felt bad. Guilty. She’d accepted his proposal because he represented the stability she craved in the absence of her sister. He was someone who could help her locate Sylvie, someone she could lean on.
Still, a niggling of doubt tugged at her mind. Was Lance really as into her as he claimed? He’d never made a move on her, even if he was attentive, nor had he pushed her to set a date or even to
move in with him. He’d courted her, locked her down, and now he was content to remain in a holding pattern with her, making no moves at all.
Maybe he was using her, just like she was using him. While Jamie’s motives were fairly transparent, she couldn’t see why Lance would be using her. Perhaps he was a part of the conspiracy, and his goal was to merely keep Jamie pacified while they did whatever needed to be done regarding Sylvie.
What that was, she had no idea. Uggh! I need more information!
Drake had been less than forthcoming, hiding behind the word ‘classified’ as if it were a giant billboard in Times Square. Today’s goal would have to be figuring out what this conspiracy was all about, and how to extricate her sister from it.
Jamie stretched then pulled herself out of bed, heading towards the shower. She didn’t know what the plan for the day was, as Drake had apparently left after she’d almost passed out on him. And as she had no way to contact him, she had to wait until he came to her.
After a leisurely shower, Jamie headed to her closet. Although she considered clothing combinations that ranged from fashionable ninja to office bandit, she settled on dark leggings and a long black sweater. They were likely going to hit the office during the daylight hours, so dressing like a cross between a spy and a thief wasn’t going to get her any traction.
She did, however, opt for sensible flats that could get her out of a scrape in a hurry, if needed. Although she felt fairly confident in her ability to run in four-inch heels, she’d rather not test it.
Then it was time for lunch. Jamie seated herself at her bistro table, picking at a salad and paging through a holo-magazine. The glossy pop-up ads and slick, moving pictorials didn’t hold her interest, however. She was too focused on what would happen today.
With Lance and his team out of the NASA offices, she and Drake should be able to get in and poke around with no interruption. She’d been through many of the offices before, and although they required clearance in the form of a security badge, once through the portal, there was little oversight. If she and Drake could get past the security desk and through the secured entry point, they should be able to snoop at will.
Checking the time, Jamie wondered why Drake hadn’t tried to contact her yet. For a moment she regretted not spending more time planning with him last night, but then admitted that she preferred the activities as they had taken place. She was more a fly-by-the-seat-of-her-pants gal anyway, and she really wouldn’t have wanted to give up a fantastic orgasm in favor of boring preparations.
It was nearly two when she heard the faint knock. It wasn’t from the front door, however. Instead, it came from the window outside her kitchen. Fighting the urge to roll her eyes and deciding instead to get into the spirit of playing the spy, Jamie crept over to the window and cracked it open.
“What’s the password?” she asked, lowering her voice.
“I’m sorry, that’s incorrect.” She rushed to close the window, but his hand caught it and pressed it back open. Man, he’s got lightning-fast reflexes.
“Quit screwing around,” Drake growled from outside. “We don’t have time for games.”
Jamie had to stop herself from sticking her tongue out at him. “You’re the one who took your sweet time getting over here.”
“It made sense to wait to hit the office until afternoon. Security shift change is at 3:00. If we go in while they’re distracted, no one should even know the restricted area is occupied.”
Apparently, Drake didn’t share her aversion for planning. Which was undoubtedly a good thing, considering. “Why are you at the window?” she asked, curious as to why he’d forgone the front door.
“We shouldn’t be seen together today. In case anyone is watching. I plan to act as your shadow, as usual, and follow you to NASA. Then I’ll join you right before we use the badge.”
Jamie shrugged. It sounded logical enough. She grabbed her oversized bag from where it was hanging on the chair and moved to close the window.
“You’re not lugging that huge thing around with you, are you?” There was a note of annoyance in his gravelly voice.
Jamie smiled sweetly. “Of course I am. It has all of my supplies in it.”
“It’s not exactly inconspicuous, since you could fit a human child in there.”
“Depending on their size, I could maybe fit two,” she said, then she shoved against the window again to shut it, forcing him to remove his hands or risk losing some fingers.
Jamie locked the apartment door behind her, jogged down the front steps, and hit the sidewalk, heading for the nearby Metro stop. Although he wasn’t in her sight, she knew Drake was somewhere behind her, following at a safe distance.
She was surprised at the sense of security that this knowledge brought. Having a man like Drake to protect her, to know that he would let no harm come to her, made a calmness descend over her like she’d never known. Jamie decided to enjoy the feeling and not worry too much about what it might mean.
The next train pulled into her station after a few moments and she boarded, taking a seat next to a little old woman and positioning her bag on her lap. Jamie resisted the temptation to crane her head around to catch sight of her shadow. Although she might think he was being overly cautious, she trusted Drake. If he thought there was a possibility that they were being watched, then she’d play it safe and stay in spy-mode.
Their simple plan ran through her head, and she was startled to realize that, although there were a million things that could go wrong, she wasn’t worried. Jamie chalked her absence of anxiety up to Drake’s confidence. She barely knew him, but somehow she was certain he’d achieve his goal.
Which meant she would achieve hers.
She hopped off the train at the stop nearest to NASA and headed off to her destination. The structure was unassuming, just another government building packed with underfunded offices. She looked up at the wall of windows and concrete, took a deep breath, and headed for the entrance.
Ignoring the displays of space history around her, she headed towards the first security checkpoint. Jamie nodded at the security guard while she pulled out her badge. Lance had insisted that she be given a non-secured badge so she wouldn’t have to sign in every time she entered. The guard gave her a smile as she placed her bag on the conveyor belt, praying as always that it didn’t get stuck this time through.
She retrieved her bag and nodded, headed past the main desk and to the bank of elevators. The target offices were on the 8th floor and they had their own security desk which limited access to the secured areas.
Suddenly she felt him behind her. She didn’t have to turn around to know that Drake was a few inches away, waiting patiently for the elevator. There was a faint chime and the door opened. Jamie walked in and turned, her eyes sliding over Drake, keeping up the pretense that he was a stranger and beneath her notice.
Catching sight of the camera that watched over them both, Jamie focused on her breathing and pretended boredom. Her heart rate had increased, and she finally started to feel a tendril of anxiety uncurling in her stomach.
She was a fashion buyer, an assistant really, and not an international spy. What did she know about sneaking through security and uncovering confidential information? Wasn’t there some sort of hefty fine or extended jail sentence connected with what she was about to do?
Suddenly, as if he could sense her disquiet, Drake moved in closer, his shoulder brushing hers. Even this barest contact helped to steady her. What choice did she have? She had to do whatever she could to get her sister back.
The elevator doors opened, and she squared her shoulders, prepared to walk out and meet her fate.
Time to be brave, Jamilla.
Before she could make her exit, Drake pulled her behind him. “Make yourself small and remain perfectly silent. Follow my moves, and don’t let anyone know you’re behind me.”
He started off towards the security desk and she crouched low, linking her steps with hi
s and praying she was in sync enough to fool the guards behind the desk. Although she couldn’t see much from her position, she knew there were two guards talking there. She could hear them. Papers were shuffling, and a conversation about those who had checked in earlier was in progress.
Drake was right. It’s shift change. Let’s hope they’re distracted enough not to question him.
She saw Drake reach into his pocket, pull out Lance’s badge, and wave it towards the distracted guards. He then veered off towards the secured door and Jamie had to move fast to keep herself unseen.
She slid around to his side, folding her arms in while Drake slightly angled himself to keep her hidden even in profile. He reached the door and held the badge up to the scanner in a fluid motion. The little light turned green and she heard the door unlock.
And then they were in.
“Quick,” he said, pulling her from behind him. “I want to get in Cargraves office before they decide to start watching the feeds again.”
The feeds. Jamie swallowed. “What if they decide to watch the feeds later? They’ll see us.”
Drake nodded. “It’s a risk we have to take. As long as we leave everything the way we found it, there should be no reason to go back over the footage. It will be erased in the next few days as there isn’t enough storage space to keep 24-7 surveillance records.”
His dark gaze locked onto hers. “You didn’t have to come along. You insisted.”
She had. Although she trusted Drake, she still felt single-handedly responsible for Sylvie’s return. That meant she had to be here, to leave no stone unturned.
As long as we turn those stones back over after digging beneath them, it should be ok. At least that was what she told herself.
“Lead the way,” Drake said, sweeping his arm out in front of him. Jamie gave a quick nod and took off in the direction of Lance’s office. She grabbed the door handle and tugged, then frowned.